We were a bit hesitant to be interviewed on our local news, but after we thought about it long and hard we decided we'd be doing a community service. LJ, myself, and Big Joey all had H1N1 in the middle of June. After a few months of talking with others about what they think H1N1 is and listening to reporters continue to not report symptoms, I decided to write a few letters. I wrote all the local news stations Sunday night and asked them to report the symptoms- high fever, light cough and pounding headache. Within 12 hours, Channel 13 called me and we met. Below is the news report. I hope maybe 500 people don't go to work this winter because of these symptoms and maybe we can stop the spread just a little.
Wow...thanks for the tip. Will keep my eye on my family. LJ looked so cute!! I lived in Greenwood!! Old Greenwood over 11 years ago. I worked for Achem Termite & Pest Control by day and a grocery store by night....nice place to live and raise a family! Many hugs!
Just watched you, LJ and Joey on the Today show. I have had two people tell me at work they saw you this morning (Kim and Jennifer Cave)!! Glad you are getting the word out...question - are you giving LJ the H1N1 vaccine? I am nervous about it for Jake.
Love you guys, Jill
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