Friday, September 11, 2009

15 weeks along

Today I'm into my 15th week. I'm starting to hit that awkard, chubby stage, where things are getting really tight and there are still many weeks to go before I start to really "show". I'm really nauseaus all day long and I'm planning on being that way the entire pregnancy- awesome!! I have to get about 11 hours of sleep a night or I feel really really sick the next day. I finally get to see the doctor next week. They have been "so booked" I haven't been able to get an appointment, however, my sister manages to see him every week right now (well she's due any day), but still!!! I'm planning on having a boy. We'll find out mid-October. Obviously, either way we're pumped, but something makes me think we'll have several boys- ha!! It's all good here! I'll just have to trade off with my sister's kids when I'm ready for some girl time! She'll be having a girl any day- she's 38 weeks. Welp, thanks for keeping us in your thoughts!
On a different note, LJ will be 16 months next week and he's officially walking by himself room to room. If he falls down, he doesn't get back up, but if he starts standing up he'll take off!!! We're thrilled!!! I know all of you mothers out there are saying, "Be careful what you wish for!!" He's 16 MONTHS PEOPLE!!!!!!! He's ready!!!!


Caroline Mosey said...

Congrats on the walking! (as though it were your accomplishment and not LJ's...kinda feels that way though, right?;) I was more than ready for Jude to walk but now...I'm tired. I don't enjoy the sliding off my lap/lunging toward the ground when I hold him thing he's been doing since he started. Hope your morning sickness eases up soon...hang in there!

Leah Matis said...

Thanks Caroline for the sweet comments!! We've been thinking about you guys, and pray for your safety. Have a great week!!

Leah Matis said...

Thanks Caroline for the sweet comments!! We've been thinking about you guys, and pray for your safety. Have a great week!!