the cool breeze is here!!! My nauseau has been so bad because of this stinkin' heat!!! But hopefully not anymore- fall is here!!!! Now we need to get in as much work as possible before winter hits and a baby is here! However, before work, LJ and I need to experience these much talked about apple orchards around town. Have you been to any good ones??
And yes, I'm 17 weeks along and still very very sick. AWESOME!!! We do find out the sex of the baby October 14- only 17 days away. Then we'll be able to decide what we are going to do with these kids' rooms. Oh man, I just said kidS! WEIRD!
LJ has been doing pretty well- walking EVERYWHERE!! He does this right arm swing like my brother did growing up, which is pretty hilarious. He's able to do a couple of signs and says quite a few words like "plane, bird, tree, car, coooooooooooow, cheese, bark, dog, coooooooow, blue, green, eye, coooooooooooow, and up." I'm so glad he's finally walking- he weighs about 31 lbs and it's killin' me. He's still getting sick about once a month, where he needs to be put on an antibiotic, but luckily this last one wasn't as bad and we didn't even have to use the nebulizer. LJ has 10 teeth and working on 2 more (not fun). We finally (with much persistance) have been able to incorporate lots and lots of fruits and veggies into his diet and he's taking a multi-vitamin. Hopefully this is a great boost for the ol' immune system.
I've officially gained my first 5-6 lbs and I'm getting fatter by the day. I, on the other hand, need to work on my diet. Nothing at home has been sounding good and eating out isn't that good for me. I've been craving fresh strawberry lemonades but have yet to find one.
Many thanks to Big Joey for dealing with me being so sick, especially at night. He does so much- probably too much. I feel lucky, very lucky.
Welp, it's almost October- yippeeee!
Praying the nausea leaves you in the mighty name of Jesus. Many hugs
Cheesecake Factory has awesome strawberry lemonades! And now I'm thinking about them and missing them!
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