Monday, April 25, 2011


Well, Mic isn't stuff... he is actually an amazing Godfather who Ray Ray looooves!!! This was LJ on Easter morning with Papa. We checked the front porch and yep, that Easter Bunny came and ate some of his carrot!!! Nice morning hair, huh??

Yep, 3 Easter Egg Hunts sound about right. Too much chocolate if you ask me. Mid-hunt I had to start taking Reese's Cups out of the eggs and putting in blueberries so Joey wouldn't completely ruin his breakfast.

Off to Nannie's hous now. My Mom (Nannie) and Dad always do this Easter Egg Game where all of the adults get to pick out an egg. All but one egg has a $20, but the golden egg has a $100 bill. My sibs call it the Joey Game because the last two years, the lucky guy has one. This year my Mom had him draw last. Welp, guess who won again??!!!! I love my hubby!

Ray Ray's hair is getting soooo long! It's curling behind the ears. I go back and forth every day whether to cut it... we'll see.

Do you see Joey's socks? All he's been talking about is wanting to play on a soccer team. The big ol' bunny brought him a soccer ball with soccer socks and guess who wore them all day??

Off to Uncle Dog and Aunt Cathy's house now. I want to catch you up realy quick on our cousin, Willie (Dog and Cathy's oldest of 5), who is 23 years old. He was pitching softball last week at Indy Sports Park and got nailed with a softball. He broke his jaw in 6 spots, had 2 emergency surgeries, and is now wired shut for 6 weeks. Please say some prayers for him and remember this when playing sports.

They laugh the entire time they are together- it's such a beautiful thing!


Our 80 year old neighbor, Earl, found LJ a frog! Spring is such a fun time. Joey looved it!

And so did my camera!

Welp, here she is gang! Our new home! We had the home inspection today and things are looking good. It's beautiful! We are sooooo pumped to move in. We definitely need the space and we can't wait to entertain. Every time we go by the house we fall in love with it a little more- and our back yard is clutch! It's a great feeling.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

I can't wait to post some amazing Easter pics this week.

P.S. We bought a house!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Too tired

Too tired to blog. Sounds about right.

Monday, April 4, 2011

No, I'm not pregnant. No, we aren't trying. No, I don't care if I ever have a girl.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

We all want a girl!

Not only because the boys are bored.... but my friends come over with these....
and the boys loved playing with baby Annie this week...
and there's something about a little girl looking up to her big brother....
and she has a lot of pink stuff to hand down....

that's why.