Friday, May 24, 2013

What, he's 5?

Like that, he's 5. Like THAT, HE'S FIVE!!!!
It's so hard to believe!

We had a super cool Spiderman birthday party last week, and the REAL Spiderman came!!!

Joey's Godfather came too!

Uncle Dog made Joey his very own lemonade stand.
And we now have Spiderman on everything we own.

We took all of our allergy meds and took our first horse back riding lesson on his birthday.
I grew up riding horses near by and wished so badly my kids would too, but it's not looking good with these crazy allergies.

We have had a challenging month, but a special month. I did want to journal quickly about Joey's terrible anaphlactic reaction to Septra, a sulfa drug. OH EM GEE! Pcitures to follow. Uh, scary.

The kiddos are getting easier in some aspects, but a lot harder in others. Finding ways of entertaining them is getting more expensive and harder to do on days when I'm with them alone. School is out for the summer, and our neighborhood pool is open. That is probably where you will find us on a daily basis.

Lou is getting sassier and trying her best to fit in with the boys... sometimes.

Who does she look like?

Monday, May 6, 2013

She's One and I'm Too Busy

I had to get these pics up because they are stinkin' adorable, but I'm not real into blogging right now. My time is so precious and spending in front of the computer all afternoon is hard for me to do. I still scrapbook our lives and journal fairly regularly, so I really don't feel too bad not posting to 4 different social networks.

Life is good though. Louisa is still working on trying to walk, Ray is still working on a better diet and Joey is starting to be more confident in himself.

We jam out on a regular basis. Lou's body goes into convulsions if we play One Direction or Blue Swede's Hooked on a Feeling. See picture below.

 Our photographer had her work cut out for her. Louie cries when anyone looks at her. She holds on to me as people try to rip her off, and she will scream for an entire hour at the gym. Annie Syers, you are an amazing woman for working with us.

Like really, Joey is only 4. I totally feel like I can picture what his senior pictures are going to look like by looking at these. He'll be 5 next week, and we are having a super cool Spiderman party. He's hoping to have the real Spiderman there and is begging for a lizard and a lemonade stand.

 The boys get closer every day. Even if they are at each other's throats, they manage to stick with each other. I thank God every day they have each other. Ray's confidence helps Joey through most awkward situations at the gym or park, and Joey's sweet demeanor shows Ray how to socialize with little confrontation.

 Lou Lou's eyes were originally blue.... now they are hazel. Where does she think she's going with this? As I look at this picture of all 3 kids, I feel so lucky they are exactly who they are. They are so different and so them. I stumbled upon this adorable quote this week, which has really helped me.

"Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You." - Dr. Seuss
I have been having an ongoing discussion with my best friend, Alli, who lives in Los Angeles about how every stage of our lives has its challenges. As I approach 30 (over a year away), I want to look back and see what I have accomplished and look forward knowing what I want in life. Alli continues to remind me to live in the moment. Feel the good of the day and feel good being me.
 I'm getting used to this, and I love it.