Sunday, September 27, 2009


the cool breeze is here!!! My nauseau has been so bad because of this stinkin' heat!!! But hopefully not anymore- fall is here!!!! Now we need to get in as much work as possible before winter hits and a baby is here! However, before work, LJ and I need to experience these much talked about apple orchards around town. Have you been to any good ones??

And yes, I'm 17 weeks along and still very very sick. AWESOME!!! We do find out the sex of the baby October 14- only 17 days away. Then we'll be able to decide what we are going to do with these kids' rooms. Oh man, I just said kidS! WEIRD!

LJ has been doing pretty well- walking EVERYWHERE!! He does this right arm swing like my brother did growing up, which is pretty hilarious. He's able to do a couple of signs and says quite a few words like "plane, bird, tree, car, coooooooooooow, cheese, bark, dog, coooooooow, blue, green, eye, coooooooooooow, and up." I'm so glad he's finally walking- he weighs about 31 lbs and it's killin' me. He's still getting sick about once a month, where he needs to be put on an antibiotic, but luckily this last one wasn't as bad and we didn't even have to use the nebulizer. LJ has 10 teeth and working on 2 more (not fun). We finally (with much persistance) have been able to incorporate lots and lots of fruits and veggies into his diet and he's taking a multi-vitamin. Hopefully this is a great boost for the ol' immune system.

I've officially gained my first 5-6 lbs and I'm getting fatter by the day. I, on the other hand, need to work on my diet. Nothing at home has been sounding good and eating out isn't that good for me. I've been craving fresh strawberry lemonades but have yet to find one.

Many thanks to Big Joey for dealing with me being so sick, especially at night. He does so much- probably too much. I feel lucky, very lucky.

Welp, it's almost October- yippeeee!

Saturday, September 19, 2009


You're kidding right?? There is no way in hell I would ever wear these while being pregnant. First off, I didn't know people actually wore them at all until my pledge sisters recently informed me at a wedding that "everybody is doing it." Then I was browsing on the Nordstrom website looking for something descent for when I start looking LARGE, and I actually came across these. How freaking uncomfortable?? Maybe it's my claustrophobia setting in, but being pregnant is bad enough when your skin is pulling and there are places on my body bulging I never knew could bulge! Then to top things off she's wearing stilettos. I have a little less than 6 months left. How am I ever going to do this??!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Busy weekend

We're leaving the hosptial in this pic. Little Joey loovvved loved loved meeting Sydney. I hope he's that excited when our new baby comes along. Have I mentioned how much LJ loves Uncle Mikey??? It's hilarious how much he tries to show off when Mikey's around. I can already tell LJ loves being around the boys. One of my really great friends, Lauren Howard, got married this weekend to her long time boyfriend, Todd. The wedding was nice- it was great seeing high school friends. It's too bad we don't see each other more. Everyone has been going through so many changes- new jobs, new babies, new boyfriends. It was great catching up!!

Below is myself, Leslie, Jessica and Annette. Love you girls!!

Not only was Sydney born this weekend and Lauren was married, but my it was my brother's 29 birthday, Julia's 30th birthday and my mother-in-law's birthday. September has felt busy, but October is much much crazier! I'm just hoping to get to Halloween without too much sickness. Then I'll only have 4 months left! I have felt awful this week. I finally have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, and I'm excited to make sure all is well.

Oh- LJ's Halloween costume- I tend to go for comfort- a UPS man.

Monday, September 14, 2009

She's here!!!

Introducing to you Sydney Marol May
and family!!
She arrived early this morning around 1:30 am. Everyone is happy and healthy.
She weighed in at 7 lbs even- a little bigger than when Sloanie was born.

Sloanie and LJ are both so excited. They were jumping around the hospital room yelling out "BABAH!!!" (Nice belly shot LJ!!)

Friday, September 11, 2009

15 weeks along

Today I'm into my 15th week. I'm starting to hit that awkard, chubby stage, where things are getting really tight and there are still many weeks to go before I start to really "show". I'm really nauseaus all day long and I'm planning on being that way the entire pregnancy- awesome!! I have to get about 11 hours of sleep a night or I feel really really sick the next day. I finally get to see the doctor next week. They have been "so booked" I haven't been able to get an appointment, however, my sister manages to see him every week right now (well she's due any day), but still!!! I'm planning on having a boy. We'll find out mid-October. Obviously, either way we're pumped, but something makes me think we'll have several boys- ha!! It's all good here! I'll just have to trade off with my sister's kids when I'm ready for some girl time! She'll be having a girl any day- she's 38 weeks. Welp, thanks for keeping us in your thoughts!
On a different note, LJ will be 16 months next week and he's officially walking by himself room to room. If he falls down, he doesn't get back up, but if he starts standing up he'll take off!!! We're thrilled!!! I know all of you mothers out there are saying, "Be careful what you wish for!!" He's 16 MONTHS PEOPLE!!!!!!! He's ready!!!!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

15 1/2 month photo shoot

LJ's teething- getting his 1st molars and we are all miserable. So we did a photo shoot from home for his 15 month pics- hope you enjoy our little miserable man!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Double stroller??

Ok, I know this is a bit premature, but I see double strollers all the time and I'd like to keep my eyes out for one we'll be needing. I could use some suggestions....

Here's my criteria...

1. I don't spend $300+ on baby things.

2. I use my single jogging stroller 2-3/day and I think I've used my walking stroller where I put the pumpkin seat in it like 20 times and I've used the umbrella stroller 3 times. So, yes I prefer the jogging stroller. Do I jog everyday? No but we do take a brisk 2 mile walk, where I'll occasionally jog it (if I'm feeling 16 again).

3. We already have 3 strollers, so I don't want to get 2-3 more. We're already growing out of our house.

4. I have a Graco car seat for the new baby.

5. Should I buy used, or not take the chance and just buy new?

I think that's it. Let me know what has worked for you.

LJ made his first TV debut...

We were a bit hesitant to be interviewed on our local news, but after we thought about it long and hard we decided we'd be doing a community service. LJ, myself, and Big Joey all had H1N1 in the middle of June. After a few months of talking with others about what they think H1N1 is and listening to reporters continue to not report symptoms, I decided to write a few letters. I wrote all the local news stations Sunday night and asked them to report the symptoms- high fever, light cough and pounding headache. Within 12 hours, Channel 13 called me and we met. Below is the news report. I hope maybe 500 people don't go to work this winter because of these symptoms and maybe we can stop the spread just a little.