Sunday, September 6, 2009

15 1/2 month photo shoot

LJ's teething- getting his 1st molars and we are all miserable. So we did a photo shoot from home for his 15 month pics- hope you enjoy our little miserable man!


Unknown said...

I believe the best portraits are the ones taken at home! I love him sitting on the chair/couch pondering life...such a serious photo. He has such a sweet smile in the one with his Colts jersey! Will pray the teething goes smoother and with less pain...can relate with the pain thing...had 5 teeth pulled. Funny I am losing mine and he is gaining his! Many hugs, many prayers, many more blessings!

Anonymous said...

Gotta get the boys together and take their pics w/ their Colts jerseys on. Jake has #18!!
