Monday, April 26, 2010

Finally getting out.

This last week we have had so many wonderful visitors. I only have a few minutes to write this blog, so forgive me if I forget you. We were able to go the park with Amy (her little boy Noah) and Jenna, have a playdate with Jill Irwin and little Jake, a surprise visit from my high school girlfriend Annette, the birthday girl (pledge sister) Carrie come an afternoon, another pledgesister ( Emmalee dropped by, and we wrapped up the weekend with one of my besties from LA, Alli Walli!! Who have I forgot?? I know it's somebody.

I haven't seen Alli in a year and half. She has been my best friend since I was 3. We grew up dancing together then roomed together in college. She's one of the producers of the next Big Brother, so I think I can understand why she's all the way across the US. LJ and Ray can't wait for her next visit to Indy (hopefully with her man).
Saturday was a big night out for Joey(obviously not little Joey) and I. My mother-in-law offered to babysit so we were able to step out and head to Broad Ripple. Lisa the Eichmachine (orange stripes) was in town from Louisville and I haven't seen a lot of my pledgesisters for awhile, so we had a bunch of catching up to do. It was just like old times, except I couldn't keep up like old times. I was able to get Emmalee kicked out of Usual Suspects for having her come into the bathroom with me (see her blog for more), and we wrapped up the night with a Big Ten pizza, or should I say Hot Box.

Friday night was family night (did I really just say that?). We went to Pizza King Station in Franklin where a little choo choo (did I really just say that?) brings around your drinks. LJ just entered the train phase, so he was waaaaay too busy to eat. I feel like this was such a busy weekend for us because I still missed out on so many other things. On Sunday we saw our niece Sydney get baptized. Joey and I are one of the Godparents.

Love these pics. I think I need to make this a once a month shot. Ray is plumping up nicely. I think he's almost 13 lbs and he's only getting up once per night- we're now in 3-6 month clothing and I'm leaning more and more on giving up breastfeeding. I was able to nurse LJ for almost a year, but since I'm just able to pump with Ray it's quite a bit more time consuming. We'll see what this summer brings with all of these overnight wedding excursions.

Awww, there he is... now look at that smile. Melts my heart.

Friday, April 23, 2010

You are my Sunshine

Thank goodness summer weather is here. LJ is in heaven!!! We have the swingset put together and we are outside from sun up to sun down. Seriously, ask anyone who knows this little guy! We had a wonderful visit with Miss Jenna Coy this week at Indpendence Park in Center Grove. This park is the most toddler friendly park I've ever been to. LJ fell off the steps twice onto the concrete, but since it's rubber he popped up like a champ. We tend to get over there at least once a week.
Oh, oh, oh... here is part of the swingset. Thank you to my dad, Joey's dad, Joey's uncle and our cousins for helping us out. We were able to knock a huge chunk out the other weekend, and waaallla! It's done!

Keeping LJ entertained during the building process. They are blowing grass... remember doing that?

Lovely shot of me, huh?? This is about what I look like on a daily basis. Not that it would have changed anything, but nobody ever told me .....
1. I would never sleep in past 7:30am... ever again!
2. I would struggle to find time to go the bathroom and brush my teeth every morning.
3. I would wear comfy clothes because you never feel like you have your body back.
4. ...or I would wear the clothes to bed that I was going to wear the next day so I could sleep 5 more min in the morn.
5. I would be changing poopy diaper after poopy diaper for several years.
6. I would be scared to do anything because it involves leaving the boys, and after seeing one almost not make it in the ER it's even harder to leave.
7. I would feel my head going to mush from watching Yo Gabba Gabba!
8. I would look forward to 8pm on Thursday night to open up a bottle of wine.
9. I would schedule dinners with family for 5pm so I can get my kids in bed by 8pm.
10. I would love Joey and Ray like I do. It's absolutely unexplainable.
Like I said, it wouldn't have changed anything. I'm loving my life. So, thank you hubby for allowing me to stay home. You are the greatest, and I love you soooo.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Great Grandma Matis and Aunt Janie came over for a little visit the other day. It's such a cool feeling for my kids to have a "Great." I lost both sets of my grandparents a while ago, and it's sad to not have them around during this time. Luckily I have GG Matis and Gma and Gpa Kelley :) We brought LJ to brackettown when the Final Four was in town. Holy cow was he in heaven!! Boys everywhere, basketballs flying at our head and a goal to shoot at about every 5 feet. Did I mention this kid love sports?? He insists on dribbling, faking, and then shooting. He also has risen the goal himself to make sure there is a challenge. I guess sitting on the floor and trying to shoot wasn't cutting it anymore.

When I was growing up, the big challenge at dinner was to eat a slice of lemon with the peel. If we did this, my dad would take us on a piggy back ride to the car while leaving the restaurant. We attempted at every dinner and I don't remember there being very many rides; however, it's never to early to start LJ on this challenge- he's so competitive :)

Baby Ray is 6 weeks old this weekend. We haven't been to the doctor since the week he was born, so we aren't sure how he's weighing in, but he's turning into a little chunker. I don't think he'll be sporting the rolls like LJ, but probably not too far behind him. Can you believe this hair? Who is this child's mother???

We had been using Playtex Ventaire bottles for the first few weeks. Either my kids are extremely gassy or those bottles are jank. We started Dr. Brown's bottles this week hoping to get rid of the painful baby gas. If you have any other suggestions, let me know. As of now, I'm still giving him breastmilk, but due to health problems I'm only able to pump :) It's a very hard thing to accept when "your plan" for your kid is altered, but I guess I just need to roll with the punches, huh?

Friday, April 9, 2010

Do you want a good laugh?

Look back at April, 2009 on my blog?? Can you believe LJ was that fat?? Is this going to happen to Ray too??

Still laughing....

Monday, April 5, 2010


Easter was really nice this year. We did the Taylor Easter last week and yesterday we did the Matis Easter. At my parents' house we do a Golden Egg game for the adults, where my mom lets us pick an egg- all of them have about a $5 gift in them, but one of them has $100. Well last year, big Joey won... and this year he won again!!! Yah baby!! Also to make my family hate me even more, he won my dad, bro and uncle's office(where I work too) work pool for the tournament and it's looking like I'll get 3rd for Joey's work pool. We've hit a good streak.

About Easter though, LJ finally understood a little about the eggs this year. We're still struggling with him understand the biblical meaning, but he definitely has the egg thing down. All of the kids under 12 had a minute head start yesterday... this included LJ and his twin cousins, Sammy and Luke. I'd say we did well for ourselves... we walked away from the Matis Easter with over $60, lots of books, candy, a full belly and memories with our crazy fam!

Last week at the Taylor Easter, LJ and Sloanie had their Easter dinner together.... adorable!! I just can't get over how well they play together. I'm really looking forward to them growing up together.
We even painted eggs last weekend, which is VERY tricky with 2 toddlers.... but we were succesful.

Our Easter Family Pic 2010

Don't let these pictures fool you. Having 2 kids is a lot busier than I imagined. I feel like I have to be strategic every day with how I'm going to get through several feedings while entertaining a toddler. Big Joey has been the best. He gets up for every feeding with me and goes on less sleep than myself more nights than not. I'm pretty darn lucky. Ray is getting to the point where he's only waking up about 1-2 times a night, but there is nothing like uninterrupted sleep. I can't wait to get him sleeping through the night. :)
Looking forward to the big Butler game tonight. Too bad it's at 9:20- geeze, don't they know I go to bed about 9:15??