Thursday, March 26, 2009

Can I even call him a baby anymore?

He's waving. Yes, now he's waving. He's also saying "baba," "dada," and "ma." He claps on command, plays copy cat, plays peak-a-boo, and loves, loves, loves people reading him books. He's crawling up on everything, cruising, opening up the Tupperware cabinets, and basically getting into everything. You can't take your eye off of him. He already chipped his baby tooth (just a very slight chip) from crawling on the coffee table and trying to let go... well, letting go. What am I supposed to tell people... I'm a dental hygienist... my little baby can't have a snaggle! Did I mention he loves bubbles? Oh, and he has really chubby legs?
He loves Daddy!

Like Grandpa, like Joey.

Like Uncle Dog, like Joey.

Life is grand.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How exciting! He is adorable and it's great to hear that your family is doing so well! Great job mama! Kim