Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
It's official- we're land owners!!
Little man is already wearing 2T! Where has the time gone??
The land will still be farmed until we move there. We'll actually make some money :)
Last week, Joey and I closed the deal! We became official land owners. We bought 2 acres just south of Main Street in Greenwood by I65. We don't plan on building a house for a few years, but it was our dream to find a few acres in that exact area and we couldn't pass up the offer (especially with the market the way it is). We are actually parcel 3. Parcel 4 is still for sale- so if you're looking to move in that area- get on it! The area is wonderful and the Taylor Farm Market is only a few blocks away- yes, I have relatives that farm out there and they have a fresh produce stand right down the road. Meanwhile, we'll be taking car rides out there in the winter, watching the corn grow in the summer, and playing wiffle ball in the fall. God is good!
Worth the one hour wait...
Santa! Oh my god! Santa's coming! I know him! I know him!
We took the little man to see Santa on Friday night! The line was forever long, and the outfits were adorable!!! I personally don't remember visiting Santa growing up-- maybe that came with being the youngest? I don't know. I wasn't sure about spending $15.99 for a 5x7, but we had already missed two free visits with Santa at a girlfriend's house and at my hair salon-- yes, my hair salon has Santa visit (they're awesome). As we were leaving the mall at 8:30 on a Friday night, I felt the Christmas spirit I had been missing start shining through. From here on out, Big Joey and I are going to be celebrating Christmas a little different (wink). I feel this makes Christmas magical! Although this year, LJ is too young to actually "get it," he'll love chewing the wrapping paper and he'll have a picture with Santa forever. I can't wait for the years to come!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Welcome future Dr. Julia Taylor!!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
24 lbs = big boy teeth and big boy high chair
LJ is now sitting up in the high chair for every meal and he has officially cut two teeth, "O" and "P". Since LJ does weigh 24 whopping pounds, he is still struggling with crawling. He's rocking on all fours and nose diving toward a toy, but not officially crawling. Maybe this will allow us to keep the ornaments on the lower branches this Christmas- no babyproofing just yet!!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Family Pictures and Thanksgiving
Also very thankful for IU... but not very thankful they are having a hard go in the
basketball dept.
So very thankful for Grandpa Matis-- his generousity, advice, and optimism.
So very thankful Brooke and Jason moved home for NYC.
Thankful for cousin Willie! We were able to go out with him in Broad Ripple... man, is he fun!
I looked up thanksgiving...fourth Thursday in November in the United States; second Monday in October in Canada; commemorates a feast held in 1621 by the Pilgrims... also... grace: a short prayer of thanks before a meal; "their youngest son said grace"
Big Joey teaching LJ how to play Casino. LJ's Great Grandpa Joe used to play Casino with Daddy Joey (is that too confusing?). LJ knows there will be many trips to Vegas in the near future. This is only the first of many card games he needs to learn.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Happy Birthday Willie!

Big Joey's first cousin, Willie Matis, turns 21 this week!
Willie is a sophomore at Wabash College. The entire family is going to Vegas... yes, the entire family- like 15 people. Joey and I aren't going to because it conflicts with work, babysitting, and it takes a lot of money!! We are soooooooooooo sad to not be able to go. Willie has been awesome with Little Joey- he's always offering to watch him and even stay through the night so we could get some sleep. We can't wait to celebrate with Willie when he comes home for Thanksgiving- Broad Ripple, beer bongs... here we come!!
Meanwhile, I'm putting money on black via Mikey Matis.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Like mother, like son??
We always get the comment, "Wow, LJ looks so much like his dad!"After I took this pic, I thought to myself, "Hmmmm... LJ looks an awful lot like Mommy!" HA! Seriously though, he's a great combination, but he definitely has Joey's disposition- laidback, content and happy!
Quick update:
Work is going well for both Joey and I. I recently posted Joey's new work website. He mainly deals with individual financial planning and corporate retirement plans at Merrill Lynch. He definitely has a knack for what he does. He continually impresses me every day with his ideas and strategies.
I have been working at a few offices about 2-3 days a week, and I'm loving it!! I work usually 5-7 hours/ day, which is great! Being a dental hygienist has been such a blessing. I have the ability to pick my days and hours, which is such a luxury when you have a baby.
Joey and I are currently looking at buying a few acres of land to eventually build on. We are still in the process, however, we feel we have found the lot of our dreams. I'll be sure to update you and post pics as soon as we find out.
It's hard to believe the holidays are quickly coming. We look forward to our many get togethers with family. Joey's Grandma Mary Matis is 87 years young, still driving, playing cards and attending her bowling leagues. A recent heart pacemaker surgery has slightly put these activities on hold, however, she'll be kickin' it again here soon. Joey's other Grandma, Ruby, lives in Arizona. We can't wait to visit her some day soon!
Well, we're a little stuck on what to get LJ for Christmas... since he's only going to be 7 months and wrapping paper alone entertains him the most, do we stick to putting money aside for him or is simply being together a present?? As you know times are tough, maybe we should start thinking a little more about giving to those less fortunate than worrying about spending that certain amount on relatives. I know the food pantries around here are awfully low. We're thinking about adopting a family for Christmas or volunteering at a shelter. If you have any special ideas, please send them our way. Around our household this year, it's definitely going to be about finding a new way to give... isn't that what it's all about????
Sloanie, Bologna!
Here's another example. EVERYONE thinks Sloanie and Jason look exactly alike, however, Brooke and Sloane's baby pictures are identical!! Once I can scan a newborn pic of Brooke, I'll be sure to post it. In the mean time, isn't she beautiful??!

Sloanie and Joey are still getting used to each other. The problem is Sloanie is around little kiddies all week at daycare, so her interacting skills are pretty good. Since LJ is couped up with myself or one of the Grandma's during the week, he gets a little tense when Sloanie goes to touch him. I don't want LJ growing up being sensitive. Sloanie, get your beautiful bootzer over to our house and play!!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Family Pic
Saturday, November 1, 2008
The joy of buying baby equipment...

So, let's say I drop LJ off at Grandma's and Joey picks him up... we are supposed to carry this GINORMOUS thing around with us with everywhere we go WITH 23 plus lbs of baby in it... HAHAHHAHAAHAHAHAHHAAHAHHAHAHAHHAHHAHHAHAHAHA!!!! So Babies R Us got smart and created a carrier. Good thinking huh??? YAH right... you will not find me carting this camping equipment looking thing around with me to drop off my son...HAHAHHAAHHAHA. I just can't see myself sporting this carrier... you have got to be kidding me!
So, I think it might be worth it to buy 2 car seats... one for each car.... really though??
Halloween with the Dale Family
We were so lucky to spend Halloween at the Dale's house with Eric, Adrienne and baby David Walker Dale (almost 3 weeks old). Eric and Joey went to high school together at Roncalli, where they played basketball together. Adrienne is originally from Michigan, but moved here once they got married a few years ago. They have become some of our closest friends, but sadly they are moving back to Michigan next week and we are really.... REALLY... really going to miss them. They had baby David 3 weeks ago, and he came a bit early weighing in at about 4 lbs. He was able to come home a little over a week later since he was eating so well!! He's a miracle baby!! Joey and I have never seen anything like him. We keep talking about how little his heart must be and all of his organs. LJ and him are only a little over 5 months apart and look how much different in size they are. A baby is truly such a miracle.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Are you serious, Leah?
Yes, I'm serious.... I know I got all sappy on you guys with the last post, but I just wanted to let you know that I can still throw down like a 24 year old.... so we pulled out the ol' beer bong!! Last week Tiffany came in town from LA, and Annette, her and I went out! What a blast!! We even got our 4th meal at Taco Bell on the way home. Delicious!!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
I just couldn't imagine life without him...
Am I allowed to post this... it was way to hard not to... wouldn't you?... or am I going to be a bad mom for posting this... but look at those rolls... and those butt cheeks.... will he be mad at me one day.... oh who cares- he's precious!!!
What about this... have I already posted this one... he's just so cute in this pic.. it's my favorite... I think I'm obsessed.
This one is precious too... he found his feet last week... he likes to put them in his mouth... he'll do anything to hold them... it's adorable...

Even when LJ is confused, he's a doll!! He always makes this face... what a cutie.... I just love this pic!!

I would post more, but this blog system only lets me post 5 per blog... I'd post all 500 if I could. He just makes life grand, he makes every day special, he makes life so much better, he's perfect!

Who would have thought a few years ago I would be blogging about my first baby?? Not me!! He was a surprise, but a wonderful surprise. He's such a blessing... making every day special to us. We're so lucky to have him and when parents say they would do absolutely anything in the world for their kids... trust them... because they absolutely mean it... no questions asked.
Even when LJ is confused, he's a doll!! He always makes this face... what a cutie.... I just love this pic!!
I would post more, but this blog system only lets me post 5 per blog... I'd post all 500 if I could. He just makes life grand, he makes every day special, he makes life so much better, he's perfect!
Who would have thought a few years ago I would be blogging about my first baby?? Not me!! He was a surprise, but a wonderful surprise. He's such a blessing... making every day special to us. We're so lucky to have him and when parents say they would do absolutely anything in the world for their kids... trust them... because they absolutely mean it... no questions asked.
God has sure blessed us. I couldn't be happier.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
It's Daddy's 28th birthday!!!!
Happy 28th Birthday Daddy!!
LJ and I are so blessed to have such an amazing man in our lives. He comes home every day from the financial world with so much energy to play with us. We're so lucky to have him!
It's hard to believe 5 months ago, LJ was this small. He's now eating 2-3 meals of baby food a day and about 4-6 bottles of breastmilk. I think sitting up may be a bit delayed since he's so big, and especially very top heavy. What a precious baby- he sure is a peach!

Monday, October 13, 2008
I have the best girlfriends in the world!!
I have the best girlfriends in the world!! I have been so blessed to have such good friends, who are always including me in their plans even though I'm the little ol' mama from the southside. Last week I went to Adobo, a tequila bar downtown, with some of my pledge sisters. It was a blast!! In the picture below is Molly Paschal, Carrie Clevenger, and Emmalee Frey, who just got engaged-- what what!! Side note: one of our pledge sisters will be on the next Bachelor. Be looking for her-- Molly M!!!
I've also been able to stay in pretty good touch with my girlfriends from high school. With the occasional texts, random get togethers, and short phone calls, we manage to keep up with each other. I'm planning on going to lunch with Marcy Mayhew this week- she has a 4 year old boy, so she's gives me plenty of advice.
Lastly, I get to meet the girls I used to work with for lunch about every other week. They have babies around the same age as LJ. Hanging out with other moms has been so helpful. All of my friends have truly made me the person I am today. It's so nice to have other girls to lean on when things get tough... it's especially nice to go to lunch with them for the occasional gossip session- hehe!!
Sloane and LJ are still getting used to each other. Although Sloane is 3 1/2 months older than LJ, LJ has her beat with his weight. HE IS A CHUNK!!! We took family pictures yesterday at Valle Vista Golf Course. We had so much fun with the babes. They did pretty well. We're all so lucky to have each other and live so close. I can't wait for the babes to grow up together!

I've also been able to stay in pretty good touch with my girlfriends from high school. With the occasional texts, random get togethers, and short phone calls, we manage to keep up with each other. I'm planning on going to lunch with Marcy Mayhew this week- she has a 4 year old boy, so she's gives me plenty of advice.
Lastly, I get to meet the girls I used to work with for lunch about every other week. They have babies around the same age as LJ. Hanging out with other moms has been so helpful. All of my friends have truly made me the person I am today. It's so nice to have other girls to lean on when things get tough... it's especially nice to go to lunch with them for the occasional gossip session- hehe!!
5 months old today!!!
Happy birthday to LJ!!
We can't believe he's already 5 months old. It's so crazy how time flies. Life seems to be treating us well. Big Joey has been dealing with the ups and downs of the market at work, I have a working interview tomorrow for a one day gig during the week, and we still manage to find time to go out for a few drinks every couple of weeks. It's just too bad I don't get out more-- maybe I wouldn't try to make up for it all in one night- hahah!!
Little man is laughing all the time. It's hilarious!! He still loves his jumperoo, and he especially loves rolling over. He had croup last week, so that was tough on the whole fam- but he's all better now... back to being an eating machine. He weighed 21 1/2 lbs at the Doc's office last week. Dr. Kidd likes to make that comment, "He still hasn't missed a meal, has he??" You know that's a big baby when a 2 year old got weighed immediately following him at
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Thursday, October 2, 2008
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