Saturday, November 1, 2008

The joy of buying baby equipment...

As you may have noticed, Lj is not the smallest of the bunch weighing in at about 22 lbs around 5 1/2 months old. Our car seat holds a 25 lb baby max, and this is the car seat that was "supposed" to last his entire first year of life. Well, it's not going to work out that way for us. We need to buy the next stage for a car seat, which will last till he's about 90 lbs or 8 years old... and yes, a child needs to be in a car seat until their 8 years old... amazing how times have changed huh? I remember being around 4 years old riding backwards in the trunk of my mom's old brown station wagon playing with my Barbie dolls and Pound Puppies. So the next stage for a car seat is called a convertible car seat, which eventually ends up just being the booster seat. To the left is the $200 some dollar car seat we need to buy.

So, let's say I drop LJ off at Grandma's and Joey picks him up... we are supposed to carry this GINORMOUS thing around with us with everywhere we go WITH 23 plus lbs of baby in it... HAHAHHAHAAHAHAHAHHAAHAHHAHAHAHHAHHAHHAHAHAHA!!!! So Babies R Us got smart and created a carrier. Good thinking huh??? YAH right... you will not find me carting this camping equipment looking thing around with me to drop off my son...HAHAHHAAHHAHA. I just can't see myself sporting this carrier... you have got to be kidding me!

So, I think it might be worth it to buy 2 car seats... one for each car.... really though??

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