Next week LJ will be a UPS man for Halloween. It'll be a bit different this year. I'll be taking my little one house to house versus dressing up, bar hopping, and attempting to win costume contest after costume contest, which I did at Howl at the Moon when Joey and I were first dating ($100 baby!). All of my girlfriends will be at their annual Halloween Bash in Broad Ripple, and we'll probably be asleep by 9pm. It's funny how things change. I'm pumped to walk around with LJ, but I will miss the cleverness of my friends' costumes. My brother always has a knack for a creative costumes too- ex. Jonny from the Karate Kid. I wanted to dress up so bad this year, but I didn't think my bikini lady t-shirt or my Jon and Kate +8 outfits would be appropriate for our family festivities. Oh, another good outfit I usually do is an FFA member. This weekend is the big Future Farmers of America weekend in Indy- now that outfit was always a hit!!! Speaking of FFA, did you know they bring in 25 million to our city in one weekend? That's amazing. They did have a pretty horrible event happen this year- a member fell 3 stories off of an escalator in our downtown mall. He'll definitely be in our thoughts and prayers this week, along with all of those bar hoppin', costume sportin', drinky drinkin' people out there.
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