Monday, October 26, 2009

Hanging with some of my faves!!

Today turned out to be EXCELLENT!!!!! I woke up not so great. Around this time in my last pregnancy, I wasn't doing so hot at all. I've been sick now since the beginning of July and I have a hard time understanding why I have to feel this bad all the time. Last time I was pregnant with LJ, I was working for a dentist with 2 other amazing hygienists, Emmie and Sadie. They were my rocks. Every day when I showed up to work with red, swollen eyes, they would help me tough it out, or give me ideas on what will help, or even find me passed out in the bathroom feeding me cottage cheese. Well, this time I don't have them. I don't work there anymore and so things have been a bit rougher. When I'm home with LJ, I just have him to talk to and since his vocabularly is limited to "cheese," "ball," "pig," "cow," and "up," I've had a tough time getting through some of these rougher days.

I woke up this morning to an amazing phone call- Emmie and Sadie's boss called the day off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A full morning with them and the kids- it was God looking after me for sure!!! Emmie had a boy, Tye, Jan. 6, 2008 and Sadie had Audrey Jan. 18, 2008. We were all pregnant working together and it was something I'll never forget!!! We went to Old Park in Greenwood today from 10-12:30. It was perfect. LJ has a hard time playing with other kids because he's so used to playing by himself, but Tye and Audrey were so sweet with him and it turned out wonderful. We finished up our playdate with Mrs. Curl!!!!!!!! It was extremely good timing because it closes for the season next week.

Oh how I miss these girls. God put them in my life at the most perfect time and for some reason, he has kept them in my life through our busy, hectic lives.
Emmie, Sadie: I'm forever grateful for what you both have done for me. Thank you, thank you, thank you. You have been my angels. Love you both!!!!

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