Monday, April 13, 2009

Who's looking at our blog??

I can see how many hits I get a day (60+), however, I have no clue who they are coming from. I'd love to stay in touch with you guys-- but who are you?!!!!!!!


Unknown said...

My name is Bert Bell & I live in Indiana. I stumbled on your blog via TheMeekTwins blog. Pardon my intrusion, but I have been returning and praying for your family just about daily, I hope you don't mind. Thanks for the glimpse into your lives. God's Blessings!

Sarah said...

I am! : ) Leah- I played tennis at CG around the time you were at Greenwood. I also found your blog through Brooke's, which the Evan Frey got me hooked on. I just think you have the cutest little family. My fiance (Michael O'Keefe) actually went to Roncalli with your husband. Small world.

Heidi said...

Hey Leah! I look at your blog occasionaly. Your son is adorable! I have a blog too, but I don't really know how it works, so I dont know how to follow yours or anything????


Unknown said...

WOW what a small world indeed. I didn't know you were related to Ted. Yes I have been praying for Ted, Julie and the extended Meek family. Like I said I came across your blog via themeektwins blog and well started popping in regularly and praying for your family as I saw the need(s) arise. How wonderful to know that before I found your blog I was covering you in awesome! Be blessed Ms. Leah. Look forward to seeing your family via the blog daily! Feel free to run through my blog periodically. Don't know if mine interests you, but I sure hope it helps you on your walk. Hugs

Steffany said...

I saw your blog via facebook and like reading every now and then. Your little guy is just SO cute :)
Steffany Reutter (Wright)

Heidi said...

Thanks! I don't live in Greenwood anymore. I have lived in Anderson for 4 or 5 years now. I do miss Greenwood and haven't been back in FOREVER!!!

Emmalee said...

I read it! I read it! Call me soon so I don't have to get an update via the blog :)

Amy said...

I love reading your blog! Tell Big Joey we said hello. I have your blog listed on my blog, too.

Anonymous said...

Hi Leah! I'm a reader, too! I love seeing pictures of LJ...he's just too cute. Thanks for keeping us in the loop. Hope you're doing great. :)Allyson (Boehning) Olsen

Anonymous said...

Love you Leah... you know I am addicted to the matis blog! Emmie

Anonymous said...

I do....Silly question, where do you go to see how many hits you get a day? I am new to blogspot so I.m still learning the ropes!

Amie said...

Hey Leah,

I saw your blog on your facebook page. I try not to be a blog stalker, but sometimes I can't help it :) You have a beautiful family. Hope all is well!

Amie (Littleton) Martens

The Freij Family said...

How can you see how many hits your blog gets daily? I think you and your blog are famous :)!
I was still having difficult days with nursing up until about a week ago. At about 5 weeks old, things just started to go better. We still have our "moments", but overall, I'm really happy with our success. She's usually only waking around 2 and 5, so we're getting decent sleep which helps as well.
I am pumping about 3 times at work. They set up a room for me with a curtain and has decent privacy so I'm really happy about that. I pump at lunch and in the afternoon. The mid-morning pump is the most difficut b/c I have to find time between patients. Overall though, I think we'll manage. I was exhausted last night though.
Sorry to hear about your ENT appt. We'll be praying for you!

Anonymous said...

My Name is Gayle Wray I am Amanda Alspaugh's Aunt I came across you on here and I check in every once in awhile to look at the picture's of you and your wonderful family Little Joey is just adorable. Amanda had a baby boy in Oct. Isaiah.
Gayle (Gibson) Wray

Caroline Mosey said...

OK I promise I'm not a stalker, but I check your blog sometimes. I'm Emmalee's friend and she and I used to work together...she showed me your blog because you were pregnant a few weeks ahead of me. We have a 10 month old boy, and I love looking at blogs with babies so I can see what's around the corner with mine! You can feel free to stalk my blog too, I've wondered who is looking at mine but never had the guts to ask!

Brian and Sarah said...

I am!!! LJ is SOOO sweet! I'm absolutely in love with the picture of you two looking at the flower in the yard!