Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Power of Prayer

Do you believe in the power of prayer? I wouldn't say I was ever skeptical, but I had never felt the power of prayer like we did when we were at Riley. I have always felt looked after-- not a lot of hard things have happened to me in my life. I did, however, feel it while Joey was sick. I felt so much comfort after we sent out a mass text or right when I got off the phone with someone. It was pretty amazing. If you have never felt it before, I hope you do. My life will be forever changed.

There is a blog I follow and they need prayers. I have never met this family, and I'm not exactly sure how my blog crossed theirs. They need you though. Please take a peak and if you could say a few words to the Big Man upstairs, that'd be awesome. Thanks.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Standing in prayer with you for the Kipps. Still keeping all of the Meeks before the throne of grace daily. I was glad to hear sweet LJ was/is doing better as well as you are. Happy Belated Birthday! Many hugs