Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Alright, it's my turn now...

I think it's time to hear from the proud papa. You've been hearing from Leah and how she hasn't been feeling very well. And I will be the first to admit, I would not want to change spots with her for a million dollars....BUT! It hasn't been all peaches and cream being the the husband of the pregnant wife! I am well aware that I am not the first to think this, but when it happens to you, you start to feel for those who have gone through what I am going through.

"Joey, can I have an apple?"

"Joey, can I have some ice cream?"

"Joey, can I have some apples in my ice cream?"

"Joey, Joey, Joey, Joey!"

I know very well that she does not feel very good and that I do. I actually love every second of her being a complete weirdo. There really haven't been too many midnight runs because she feels like something crunchy, chewy and cheesy. But I will be very glad in May for two reasons: a) to have my little boy to play with and b) to have my wife back to play with.

Other than making sure LT is as comfortable and rested as possible, we have been going through RCIA classes together. These classes are at St. Roch church every Tuesday night since August. Basically, the preist that married us and baptized me is teaching us about the Catholic Church. Going through 12 years of Catholic school taught me a lot about the faith, but these classes have been a great review for me, not to mention a huge learning lesson for Leah. We have decided, not that there was much of a decision in my eyes, that our kids would go to Roncalli. I still think it is the greatest place on earth. So Leah, not growing up in the Catholic faith and being a super mom already, wanted to learn as much as possible about the faith that our kids would grow up in. After all of these classes, she will decide if she would want to convert to Catholicism. Either way, I am very proud of her to want to learn more about the faith. I am not sure I would be like that if the roles were reversed.

We are getting down to crunch time now. Just a few more doctors appointments, putting the finishing touches on the Little Man's room (thanks for all the help from our moms!) and taking a few more birthing classes and Lil J Dubs will be here. I know our lives will change forever. Far fewer nights out on the town, not as many late night trips to Waffle and Steak. But I go to bed every night dreaming about that first time I get to hold my son. I'll get to teach him to throw the ball, hit the jumper and say, "Nice butt, Mommy!"

Simply put...I CANNOT WAIT!!!


kmatis said...

teardrop Joey ;)

Anonymous said...

Brooke, Nana and Dr. Taylor have enjoyed Joey's insight pregnant female world. We are eagerly awaiting J Dubs as well.