Monday, August 23, 2010

Your Zoo Tour Guide

Hi there folks!! In case you've never been to the Indianapolis Zoo, I thought I'd give you a little tour. You see, this morning I begged my mom to take me to see some animals and after a 20 minute car ride we ended up here... one of my favorite places-- The Indianapolis Zoo!!!!! Before we get started I wanted to give my little bro, Ray, a shout out. The poor guy sat in the stroller the whole morning and didn't whine a bit. Man, he's a good baby!! What up RAY??!!!

Oh, I found this picture to give you a better idea of what things looked like this morning. I was running around like a wild maniac and Mommy was trying to chase me around the zoo with this huge stroller. Oh, I had soooo much fun!!!

It all started in the forest, where we saw these beautiful birds I didn't even know existed. When I saw these birds, I thought of the phrase my Daddy taught me, "Nice legs!"

Then we slid on over to the butterfly exhibit at White River Gardens. These beautiful little fellas let me get so close to them. Now that never happens in my neck of the woods. What a treat!

They even let me touch them (even though we weren't supposed to). Maybe the flies liked my Edge jersey, who knows?

Once I saw this rock, I thought it'd be the perfect photo opp. Don't I look studdly?? So big and tall with my blonde curls! Next week when I start pre-school the babes are gonna love me!

ROOOOOAAAAR!!! Well, it didn't quite go like that, but this huge bear loved me too. We had a staring contest for at least 30 seconds.... Mommy said it was just enough time to get the perfect picture.

Oh, here I am again. I just can't get enough of Mommy's new camera. These pictures she takes require zero touch up- it's outstanding!!

I don't know if you've ever met Tony Stewart, but he was chillin' at the zoo today with these super fast cheetahs! Stew and I hit it off so well, he let me stand by his little pet for this amazing photo.

This lady, who I call "Mommy," is the one who took me to this fine place. She picked the most perfect day- it wasn't too crowded, no long lines, and a cool breeze- I think the car read about 77 degrees this morn.

Like WHOA!! Daddy would appreciate this exhibit. He reads me my giraffe book every night (that's where we talk about the nice legs, right?).

When I saw this picture, I knew something was up. This zebra is sooooo out of focus. I was thinking Mommy was just experimenting with her camera, but no, I knew she just wanted to focus in on my B-E-A-utiful curls. Ohhhh Mom!!

Well, our trip is coming to an end and I started to feel about the same as this polar bear- sleepy!

We hit up the Ocean Exhibit and headed to the car.... did I mention we saw penguins there though?? They acted like we've known each other forever-- I kept thinking we've only met a few times, but whatev.

Ohhhh, Grandpa would have loved this exhibit- the shark petting area!! I didn't get to pet the sharks because Mommy has this phobia thing about either sharks or germs... I wasn't quite sure, but it's all good. I kinda was a little burnt out on sharks anyway since we just got off of Shark Week on the tube.

Welp, now we're home and I about to get all tuckered in to my bed. I had a stinkin' blast, and I can't wait to have another day out like this again. I heard my grandparents might get a membership.... I'll be sure to have Mommy put a good word in for me.

Until next time, Yo Gabba Gabba.


Unknown said...

Gosh Lil Joey & Ray have grown! LOVE those curls! He is so cute. Lil Joey I loved your post I have never been to the Indy Zoo, but if I ever go I will definitely look you up for my tour guide. blessings!!!

Agee's said...

Leah this is great! The pictures are outstanding! I want to go to the zoo!! :) I miss you! Give the little ones a hug from me!

Unknown said...

Those boys are scary beautiful!