Friday, November 13, 2009


I have a good friend from high school, Cristin Serio, and I keep a close eye on her blog. She has a great way of posting her prego stats so I thought I'd give it a try!!

This week's Stats:

How far along: 24weeks

Total weight gain/loss: 14 lbs.

Maternity clothes: I love my new Citizens of Humanity Maternity jeans from Nordstrom

Sleep: I can't make it past 9pm, then I get up at 11:30, 2:30, and 5:30 for a bathroom break. Sometimes we get lucky and get to sleep in till 7am! Welcome to parenthood!!

Best moment this week: Little Joey did great at swim lessons and he's starting to really pick up the dance moves. I'm starting to feel a little more energized-- or maybe I'm just learning how to suck it up from being nauseous 24/7.

Movement: Finally!! I felt LJ kick at 18, but I haven't felt Ray until earlier this week. They are very slight, but happy to feel him jiggle around in there. Had a doctor's appt this week- good heartbeat. Next visit we do the diabetes screening, and then we're going to the OB every 2 weeks!! SCARY!

Food cravings: pineapple and berries!! Is it sad that I can't wait to have this baby because the hospital food is AMAZING??!!!

Labor signs: occasional cramping, but just when I don't drink enough water

Wedding rings: I had a hard time getting it on this morning- I think I had too much sodium yesterday.

Do I really need to post pictures of myself?? I did this last time, but this go-round I'm not feeling too stellar.

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