We're done! As of 2009, I wanted to be done with breastfeeding. Although, I'm not excited about the idea of using stinky formula, I wanted my body back, and Little Man eats mainly from the bottle and is getting a lot of his nutrition from food now. Moreover, I think I have quite a bit of breastmilk saved up for the next couple of months... so much I actually donated about 100 ounces to the Indiana Mothers' Milk Bank http://www.immilkbank.org/ last week. It was one of the neatest things I've ever experienced. When I went there to drop off my milk, they showed me pictures of some of the people that will get my milk. A woman recently had premature quintuplets, who really need the immunities from breastmilk. She obviously is having a hard time keeping up with 5 babies, so my milk will go toward her. They also showed me a picture of a little 4 year old girl who lives in Illinois. She has Spinal Muscular Atrophy (Type 1), which causes her to metabolize fatty acids abnormally. She will never be able to walk and she wasn't supposed to live past age 2, and she's almost 5!!! I don't completely understand everything, however, she needs breastmilk to survive. She gets it through a GI tube. The milk bank overnights breastmilk on dry ice to her in Illinois. It was an amazing experience I'll never forget.
Garage freezer door
House freezer
Seriously...that's awesome!!! You make motherhood and breastfeeding look so simple. Got any tips for me?!? What supplies/pump do you use?
Kudos for donating your breast milk! My boys have Spinal Muscular Atrophy like the girl you mentioned in your post (your blog came up on Google Alert). My guys don't use donor milk but I know many SMA kids that do and I know they are very thankful for the mothers that are able to donate.
Your son is beautiful!
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