Ray Ray has either entered into the Terrible Two Phase or he's cutting his last molars. He has been nuts!! Our little laid back baby has turned into a stubborn, high maintenance mess! However, he still is a joy and will probably take the "class clown" roll while Joey stays more introverted.
Joey isn't an introvert at home though. We enjoyed most of the common Christmas festivities-- cookie making, Christmas lights, Polar Express train ride, 7 Santa visits, snowman making, Live Nativity scene searching, Elf on the Shelf, wrapping presents, ornament making, Eiteljorg's Jingle Rails and reading every Christmas book we could get our hands on. We fell in love with Mother Mary, Father Joseph and Baby Jesus this year and insisted on telling everyone we met them at the Live Nativity Scene.
Joey continues to dance on tables while my back is turned. He claims he is Buddy the Elf from the movie, Elf. Awesome.
We made a ton of cookies, but only ate the icing.
We went to a million Christmas parties and sported Uncle Bo Bo's shirts that he wore as a little boy! Super comfy.
We went black and white on Christmas morning. I have a picture wall where all of my pics are black and white. It has been impossible for me to get to Sam's club to convert pics so I went ahead and went black and white on the Rebel.
After both kids refused to go to bed until 3 hours passed their bedtime, they woke at at 7am to a ginourmous train table Santa brought them. The plan was to put it in basement, but at 12:30am I gave up on trying to figure out how it'll fit downstairs and it is taking up my dining room (but only until I resell it back on Craiglists in a few years). The boys love it and it's big enough to have a few friends over and nobody fights over tracks or trains. How wonderful!
This was me attempting to get a cousin pic. Unsatisfactory.
We ate Santa's leftovers. Ray can sniff sugar a mile away.
We made sure Santa didn't leave any milk.
We drank our last bottle!! Woot woot!
We got lots of new clothes from Nannie and loved trying them all one with Sloanie!
We played Doctor with Sydney.
We played McDonalds with Sloanie and she was the mad customer that had to come back through the drive thru because her order was wrong. Wonder where she got that from.

We played kitchen.

And puppet show.

And basektball at the Matis indoor court.

And attempted a snowman, and bawled when we woke up the next day and he was melted.

Oh, and finally a picture. 30 weeks. BLUH!
Merry Christmas loves. I think this was my first year of being absolutely exhausted and drained after Christmas day. It's almost depressing when it ends. The entire month of December was a blast and there was so much to do. Now, it's January... bluh. There's a lot to do around here before the babe comes. I'll be sure to post pics of her room soon. Meanwhile, I'll continue to thank the Good Lord for a wonderful 2011. God is Good.
We played McDonalds with Sloanie and she was the mad customer that had to come back through the drive thru because her order was wrong. Wonder where she got that from.
We played kitchen.
And puppet show.
And basektball at the Matis indoor court.
And attempted a snowman, and bawled when we woke up the next day and he was melted.
Oh, and finally a picture. 30 weeks. BLUH!