Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Too busy and too tired.

We had our annual cooking making party with the kiddos last week.

Below is a pic of our Paci Patrol. I know, nice work with that pink paci Mom. Blame it on Big Joey-- he claimed that's all they had at the store. I think he secretly likes the boys to sport pink.

It's hard to believe the big kids are almost 4. I met Emmie and Sadie when they were both 11 weeks pregnant with them, and I don't think a day has gone by without talking to one of them. Amazing, amazing friends! And the best part about it is they both live a few football fields away.

The cookie party usually starts out how my kids like it- clean, orderly, and organized. That doesn't last long and then my kids watch and stare at the messy ones go at it. The boys stand out a little at these parties- they prefer me to wipe their hands instead of licking and prefer their pants not to get dirty. I think the Taylor OCD gene has officially been passed to them both.

This was just the beginning. It got nuts! Flour all over the beautiful microsuede sofa, in our hair, in our pants, on the cloth chairs and in the cracks of EVERYTHING!

Can't you tell Joey looks disturbed?

My kids prefer the white icing. The colors stain. Normal right? They each had one cookie. I think I had 7. Oh, and did I mention I just found out I failed my glucose test? Not smart, Mama! Luckily I think my OB has a soft spot in his heart for me and isn't making me go through anymore testing. After this party, I offically have to watch my sweets.

Baby Bar Bar looves this party.

Have you ever heard how when your kids are toward their 1/2 birthday they are angels and when they are closer their the whole birthday they are demons. Well, this is sooo true right now. Ray Ray has been a joke... until now. He is indecisive, won't eat, stubborn, and hitting. Where did my super laid back easy child go? However, I really shouldn't complain... this kid doesn't wake up in the night and usually sleeps a solid 12 hours in a pack n play without being rocked. Yes, I just said pack n play. We are in trouble. LJ is still loving his crib and we have a 3rd baby coming in March. Joey, on the other hand, has been an absolute angel. His manners are impeccable and his conversations could melt your heart. When leaving anywhere, he thanks people for having him and asks politely if he can come back soon. He is starting to really grasp the big brother role and protecting Ray Ray is his priority.

Joey's best friend is his cousin, Sloane. The problem is we only see her once a week and she lives about 40 minutes away. I don't think these 2 have ever fought and play together unbelievably well. They are the perfect combo and it breaks my heart they won't grow up closer.

Christmas, Christmas, Christmas. We dream, breathe and sing Christmas all day every day. Joey knows most of the Christmas songs and we don't pass a manger without him screaming about how much he loves Baby Jesus! He asks me to sing him "heavenly peace" before bed and asks Big Joey to sing him "Feliz Lalida." We've seen Santa 6 times already and Christmas crafts are a daily occurence.

Joey has never done the "muscle man" face before this picture. Quite strange, but cute.

We went to Florida last week and the kids were amazing. We had a blast and I can't wait to post pics. Meanwhile, I have will be trying to get some rest. I am 28 weeks, exhausted and large. Baby girl seems to be doing well and moving all the time. We are almost done with her room and excited to see how the boys take to her.

Life is good. God is good. This has been an awesome year.

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