Friday, September 3, 2010

School, Brian, and Friends

We had our first day of pre-school this week. LJ was looking forward to it until I left.
I think it'll take a few weeks to get used to. Let's hope next week is better.
We did sport a fantastic backpack though. Joey's Godfather, Brian Egan, came in town last weekend. Brian is getting married in Portland, where him and his fiance are doing their anesthesia residency. In a few weeks we'll celebrate again here. It's so nice to see Brian so much this month. Man, we miss him

This pic I found on my camera.
I think my husband was trying to be a photographer.
Not a bad job, hun.

We had a blast at the park today with Emmie and Sadies' kids. They really played well together, and it's so nice catching up with the girls.

Group HUG!!!

1 comment:

Allison said...

I can't handle the hugging picture. That is too cute. It's a Joey sandwich!