Thursday, September 16, 2010

Jabberboxin' about the Power of Prayer

I feel like my prayer list is growing by the minute. Do you ever feel like that? I start my prayers every night before bed and I never get to finish because the list is soo long becuase I'm so tired I just end up falling asleep. What the heck is going on in the world for so many people to be so sick? I really try hard to stay healthy and I try even harder for my kids, but it just seems to never be enough. Also, is there a way to sum up so many people that need prayers so God hears everything without having to pray for an hour at night? I guess I could split it up during the day, but right now I'm overwhelmed. There is an awful lot to be thankful for and an awful lot to pray for. I guess I just want to say as hard as it gets sometimes I'm happy God still listens. Amen.

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