Wednesday, August 26, 2009


1. What do you do with stinky diapers?? We have a diaper genie in the garage that DOES NOT WORK!!!!

2. Any suggestions on storage when you're growing out of your house and need to make it last another 4 years????

3. LJ sleeps from 8pm-6:30am with a 2 hour nap during the day. I hear about all of these 1 year olds that sleep till 8am- how do we get there??

4. What do you do if you feel like every weekend you need a babysitter and your parents babysit during the week so you don't want to ask them again??

5. What do you do to wake you up in the morning? Is my coffee addiction really that bad??

6. What do you do with your toddler when you have to take a shower?

7. Is a Mom's Day Out program a good idea?

8. LJ won't sit in his high chair for longer than 3-5 minutes at home. What do you do?!!!

9. We have a "LJ eats after NOBODY" rule because he gets sick so easily. Am I being unreasonable?

I'm sure I'll have more questions, but any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!!


Allison said...

Well I obviously can't help you out with most of these, except #9, and I agree!! You are not being unreasonable, I think it is smart!! And for energy, sometimes I pour an Emergen-C (sp?) into a bottle of had tons of vitamins, gives you a boost, and will cut out maybe one cup of coffee!

Shelly Cunningham said...

Here comes some suggestions... For showering, I put in a Baby Einstein video. This is reserved ONLY for shower time so it maintains it's magic! :)
For baby-sitters on the weekends, I have hit up my single/unmarried/childless girlfriends. They enjoy it, and I don't burn out the grandparents.
For space saving (with twins you need this) try IKEA. I have loved their furniture for space saving. Also, I use the space under their cribs for boxes of baby stuff I no longer use.
And for nap/bedtime... I put the boys down at 7pm, and they wake up at 7am. Then they nap 12-2pm. When we were on two naps a day they slept only 10 hours at night. Cutting down to one nap helped. Now they hit 12 hours most nights.
Right now we're working on getting the boys to fall asleep on their own without being rocked or held. Man it's a lot of work! Good luck!

Unknown said...

Ok I can only help with 2 of these. For the diapers, get them out of the garage and in a can with a good sealing lid outside. As for outgrowing the house...have you outgrown the house or has your stuff outgrown the house. I used to live in a 2 bedroom mobile home...and it grew crowded quickly. When God blessed me with this 2 bedroom house I established a rule with my pack rat hubby. If it hasn't seen the light of day or use in 3 months it was a gonner...put out on the curb with a free sign or sold in a yard sale. The rule still holds in the new home. We are less cluttered and more at peace in our sweet blessing from God. Will tell you more of the blessing later. Hope it helps honey! Hugs & blessings

Caroline Mosey said...

Jude sleeps from 7:30-7am and naps about 3 hours/day. We're lucky, but I think LJ just gets the sleep he needs and then gets up...not really much you can do except work around it. High chair problem: we sometimes have to feed Jude on our laps even at home or while he cruises past us, b/c food just isnt appealing to him in his high chair for whatever reason! I've taken several showers with Jude crying and staring at me around the curtain...I think I have conditioner buildup from showering so fast (not to mention hairy legs). CONGRATS on your new little one too!!!! Can't wait to start seeing belly pics:)

Anonymous said...

1. Diapers stink... flush the poop, keep em in the garage
3.Love your early riser! Getting him off to school will be easier when the time comes.
4.Call friends... the ones with babes to help.
5.Gotta have a pick me up... mine is Diet Coke
6. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
7. There is lots of potential for colds...careful
8.A booster for the big boy table
9. NO
Take it or leave it! Emmie

Katiegirl said...

Hey Leah! I love your blog. Okay so here are my answers to your questions, take with a grain of salt. But these have worked for me.
1. I was warned before I had kids...NO diaper genie's BIG waste of money. We enjoy a glorified trash can that looks decent in a nursery.
2. Purge, purge, purge...get a shredder if you don't already have one! :)

3. CIO (that's short for cry it out) I have a boy and a girl and I can tell you they both will sleep 12 hours. And it's not because they are miracle kids, we worked really hard at it to train them to this! :)
4. I feel your pain on this one. Find a good H.S. babysitter, or ask friends!!! We would keep LJ any night for FREEE, seriously call us. Find other friends with kids and trade off nights so you can have a date night.
5. NO, coffee helps us mothers co-exist in this tiring world ;-)
6. Put the big- little guy in a pack in play with toys, a jumperoo, anything to entertain him for 15 min.
7. MOPS a great idea, I've heard and the kids love it!
8. ON this one if you are out, take an activity or a toy he's never seen before. You can go cheap, i.e. the Dollar store, works wonders! We still take things for Mollie and she's 3!!
9. NO you are not being unreasonable, sometimes grandparents don't use their noggins on this one. I don't eat after other people. Why would I let my little child who has less immunity than a grown adult??
Good luck and have fun mommy :)
From Katie M.