Sunday, August 9, 2009

This weekend and next.

Our Jules!!!!! Dr. Julia Sant will be getting married next weekend to my brother- crazy!! Man, has time flown by us. This is her at her bachelorette party in Chicago. We're all very excited to offically welcome Jules into the family.Last night we went to Emmalee Frey's wedding- it was absolutely perfect. So many of my sorority sisters were there, and it was the first night Joey and I spent both away from LJ. He stayed with Joey's parents and it went great. He slept well for them and was a happy camper when we picked him up. I need to set up some more dates like this. It was great to sleep in and to not sleep by a monitor- kinda weird too. Big Joey couldn't sleep in today. He woke up at 7:30, like he usually does, and couldn't get back to sleep- poor guy. This is pretty far away, but we'd really like to take a long weekend trip this fall or next spring away from LJ. I need to get the courage up, the money in the bank, and the planning started. It'll be good for us, right??
Mrs. Emmalee Hinton- doesn't she look great!

This is a pic of some of the Pi Phis at the wedding. Oh, it was sooooo sooo good to see everyone. I feel so blessed to still be such good friends with my college friends. I was only able to be at IU for 2 years since I transferred to Indy for dental hygiene. It was pretty hard keeping in touch with everyone, but we managed. I talk to most of them on a fairly regular basis, but it feels wonderful to see them and know nothing has changed. We still have the same laughs and nobody has changed- hehe!! Although our college 5 year won't be until 2011, a reunion is already in the works. We're thinking a formal on the Navy Pier or a weekend cabin trip to Gatlinburg. AHH- I can't wait. Now, I'm just hoping some of these girlies get married and have some babes so LJ and Ethan (Taytum's little guy) have someone to play with.

Ha!! This is what I woke up to the other morning. Joey teaching LJ how to shave- nice!!!! The shananigans that goes on when mom isn't around- priceless.

Anyone going to the State Fair this week?? Did you hear they have fried pizza??! We're hoping to head there. My work schedule is finally settling down, and I'll be working 2 days a week regularly. I'm getting nervous about the winter though because we love playing outside. I'm thinking we'll take some swim lessons at the YMCA- should be fun, should be fun!


Shelly Cunningham said...

We're doing parent-n-tot swim lessons with Logan & Jack, and they are LOVING it. I have to say, though, that I think Josh & I are having even more fun just watching them enjoy it so much!

Unknown said...

Little Joey shaving! Holy crow not yet I hope!!! What a cute picture for the scrapbook though. Will pray that the finances and proper timing happen for the vacation trips. Hugs

Cristin said...

Leah I love that dress you had on! Where did you get it? I'm wouldn't be able to wear it much longer but I'm up for saving things for next year:) Glad Little Joey is doing so much better! I'm glad we have blogs to keep up with each other:)