Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Sweet Baby Boy

Joey, Joey, Joey- where has the time gone??
I have sat down to write this blog 3 times, but there is so much to say and never enough time to write it all down. I'm going to try and hit the main points between some of my favorite pics from this past weekend.
 We always thought you would be an introvert. Since the day you were born you haven't taken well to strangers and have always chosen to be the quiet, timid one. I think I may be wrong. Last week during your spring program at school, they had you front and center and you were one of the most animated little kids in the show. From the beginning to end, you sang loud and showed off those jazz hands your Mama gave you. The Dance Refinery would have been so proud. You beg to go places and love love love carrying on convos with waitresses, ticket takers and grocery checker outters :) You are so proud when you talk about being a big brother and taking care of Ray Ray and Louisa, and it makes me feel so happy inside that you have embraced being the leader of the 3.
 We go to the doctor this Friday, and I will put money on it that you weigh about 50 lbs. Anyone who attempts to pick you up claims you have bricks in your pants. You and I are packed solid, and even if you choose not to play sports I'm happy you will be able to give a good forearm to that kid that is giving Ray Ray a hard time on the playground.
Below is what happens when I have 3 kids and forget to take a pic of the cake before it was eaten.
 For your birthday we had a family party. For months you begged for a Wiggles theme and a magic show and that's exactly what you had. When I promised you a Wiggles themed party, I did not know most of their products were discontinued since 2005. For weeks your dad and I were bidding on paper plates and balloons off of ebay. 6 plates for $6.99 with outrageous shipping costs from Australia. About 14 days before your party, the Wiggles relaunched their website and announced they were going on tour this summer. All of that work for NOTHING! We expressed delivered several Wiggles "things" to our house from Australia, and would you believe they had a Wiggles groupon for their performance in August?!! Half off!! We got so lucky!!!
 Everyone loved the magic show, and the weather turned out to be beautiful.

 Grandpa even traded some magic tricks afterwards. I can't wait until he takes you to magic shops. I have so many memories of sitting in hot magic shop hallways for long periods of time while dad traded magic tricks.
 I was sooooo proud of you as you opened up presents. You read cards first and made eye contact and thanked everyone individually. You have come a long way buddy.
 I feel like these past few months, you and Ray Ray have switched roles. I have always felt that having Ray Ray was one of the best things we did for you. Ray has always been so adventurous and such a risk taker and he has really brought you out of your shell. For some reason, these last few months Ray has decided to become shy and you are helping him feel comfortable. It is such a blessing you will have each other. I pray you guys remain best buddies.
 Nannie's Grandpa and Grandma's Grandpa is what we call them. Oh, and there is Ray Ray being a stinker, like usual.
 There's the Ray Ray we love!!!!
 We decided to decorate your room this year when you woke up on your birthday. I remember growing up my brother requested my parents threw his presents on him when he woke up. I thought we would steal that tradition. It makes the day so much better!!
 There she is ladies and gents- our $69 Wiggles Big Red Car collectible figurine set  straight from Australia. We wrap it up every night before bed and sleep with it, just in case Mr. Wiggles come in the night to take it back.

 It melts my heart how you treat Louie. You beg to hold her and babysit her all day long. You even taught her the peace sign this week.
 She loves you and she lights up when she hears your voice. She is so lucky to have you.
I love you sweet baby boy, and I thank you for molding me into the Mom I am today. I'm so excited to see what this year has in store for us and I'm so proud of you for getting through school this year, making new friends, and embracing new situations. Keep it up little man!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

5 days old pics

 I think it's a combination that I'm worried Louie will be my last and that she is a girl, but we splurged on super fun pics done by Annie Syers. Above is my favorite- go IU!!

So far, we are hanging in there... by a thread. We are every bit of exhausted, delirious, and in love. Every day is tough right now, and I think to myself how I need to give up something in my life to make things easier. It's too hard to eliminate anything, so I pray it gets easier with time. Louie has been fairly easy (knock on wood). She takes 4-5 bottles a day and has been sleeping 8-5/6am since she was 6 weeks old. She still sleeps in a car seat next to our bed, but it's working. The boys love her to pieces, although I get tell they are getting tired of being home all of the time. I feel lucky we have made it to 8 weeks without too much drama. Please continue to pray for us. We thank our lucky stars and wonderful God every day. Once things settle down, I can't wait to share more pics.