Thursday, August 4, 2011

What were you taught?

For some reason these last few weeks had me thinking about what my parents taught me. It makes me think what I want to instill in my kiddos. I just went on a family vacation with the entire Matis crew and I found myself watching all of the cousins interact with each other. Some of the most obvious values the Matis' carry are family first, the more the merrier and doing something to make a memory. At the end of the day these matter.

I found myself talking about what my parents have taught Brooke, Beau and myself. I am so blessed to have these values and characteristics instilled in me. People may think they seem crazy or paranoid at times, but truthfully they make me happy.

These things I do are religious. I rarely ever forget these. Let me know what you think.

1. When I get out of car someone elsing was driving, I say "thank you." I remember growing up in our Toyota Previa and before sliding the silver bullet's door shut Dad would say "what are you supposed to say?"

2. When I sit at a table the napkin goes straight in my lap. When I address a waitress, it is ALWAYS "Miss."

3. I was never allowed to say F-A-R-T or S-U-C-K, and I still spell them to adults.

4. I rarely leave the house without lipgloss and mascara.

5. Instead of saying "It's nice to meet you," I was taught to say "It's nice to know you."

6. I always lock all of the doors to my house when I leave and go to bed and there are a handful of days in my life that I have lived without an alarm on the house (minus dorm life).

7. I was taught to lock my doors the second I got off of Market Street (even though Grandpa and 3 of my uncles worked right there).

8. I was taught to pass to the right and keep the salt and pepper married.

9. I don't walk by myself at night, and I always have my car key coming through my fingers in a parking garage in case I need to punch someone.

10. I have my bills organized and I have never paid a bill late.

11. I pay with cash.

12. I don't drive on E.

13. I set my clothes out the night before, and I pack my diaper bag too.

14. I have had an agenda book since 6th grade.

15. I face the door in a restaurant, so I will be the first to see if something goes down.

16. I wash my hands after I touch menus.

17. I put antibiotic and a bandaid on all boo boos.

18. I don't go to bed with a messy house, and we never run out of food.

19. I never go to bed without brushing my teeth and washing my face.

20. Before I left the house my Dad would say "Don't drive too fast and don't get too close to the car in front of you." So I don't.

21. I shower before bed and after yard work, and I don't sit in my bathing suit.

22. I rarely gamble on anything, but when making a deal or greeting I have the firmest hand shake there is.

23. I rarely miss a day of working out.

24. I DO NOT screw with my sleep.

25. When dieting I was told to only eat something if it came from the ground or if it had a mom.

26. I pray every night before bed.

27. I don't bite my nails and I try not to pick.

28. I don't sit on strange toilets.

29. I dance at weddings because it's socially the right thing to do (and because I love it).

30. I finish something before I start a new.

31. I plan. I plan for EVERYTHING. People who don't plan usually don't like me.

32. I talk to my sister and my 5 best friends at least once a week but it's more like once a day. My parents always said my life long friends I could count with one hand. I understand now.

33. If a stranger approaches me, I make it short and sweet and walk the opposite direction as them.

34. If I don't want to talk bad about something I simply respond with "that's interesting."

33. I understand I'm blessed and I was given a hell of a deck of cards. I think about this every day and I thank God every night. I know I am lucky.

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