I think it was Tuesday night last week when my son turned into a toddler overnight. The toddler fairy must have sprinkled some dust on him when he was sleeping because when he woke up, he could speak 2 word phrases, say "no" to plunger, toilet brush, Christmas tree and anything that comes out of the oven, he can tell me what he wants to eat, and even sit in his high chair for about an hour at meal time. He grew up over the night. He will now tell me when he wants to eat (even if it's goldfish at 7:45am), he is starting to sleep in till almost 8am, he knows how use the remote, pretend to wash his hair and face, say cheese, repeat what I say, and tell me when he's ready for bed. This one tops them all- he's been teething for the past few weeks and we've been trying really hard not to get him Ibuprofen at every intense crying spell, but the other morning he managed to pull the diaper bag apart to find the Ibuprofen and dropper and bring it to Big Joey. He then went over the couch and leaned back with this mouth open (and I want to mention he's not one of those kids that likes the taste- he usually hates it).
I'll have to admit. I pretty much thought my son was an angel. He has never been a problem while I shower and get ready, and he doesn't throw fits when he has to share. He usually just stares and waits patiently. As of Wednesday, this has all changed. While I'm in the shower, he empties out every drawer, hides all of my jewelry in small places a 28 week pregnant girl can't get to (under the bed), and unrolls the toilet paper. You're probably thinking isn't this normal for a little boy at 19 months?? NO, NOT JOEY!!! You see, he has been this little OCD kid (taking after me). He finds crumbs in the couch and throws them in the trash, he throws his own diapers away, he closes doors and cabinets behind me, and he tells me who made the mess. He will find a small, excuse me, TINY pine needle under the rug bring it to me to show me what he found, then walk over to the trash can to throw it away. Where did my little cleaning lady go???? Yesterday I found 3 trucks in the freezer!!!
I do giggle at all of his little ways. I love this age!!! I wish I could have all my babies at this age. I'm not one to sit around and guess what's wrong with a fussy babe. To my next topic, the pregnancy. It seems to be going okay- maybe a little better than last time. I do have good days, which helps. I've gained about 20 lbs so far (but don't let that fool ya- the last 10 weeks of LJ's pregnancy, I gained 40 lbs). Work is still easy and fun. I have a bunch of friends who are pregnant with me, which helps when I need someone to call and complain about my chest touching my stomach and my stomach touching my thighs when I sit down. I'm still exhausted all the time (but then again who isn't?), and it's getting harder and harder to work out. I've been trying to walk at least a mile a day, but doing that on the treadmill versus resting during LJ's naptime is hard to swallow.
Thanks for all who have been thinking about us, and I love love love visitors!! LJ usually naps between 12-2:30, but we're around Mon-Wed so feel free to stop on by. I hope you are about ready for the holidays- I can't believe how quickly the end of the year has come.
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