I think I have figured out how to balance two little boys throughout the day. Luckily it's summer, and going outside is typically a cure all. What I'm having a hard time with is trying to balance the life of being a stay at home mom, an employee for 2 days a week, a wife, daughter, sister, friend, and bridesmaid. I only have a few friends that have kids, so if I do meet some girls out for a night out on the town they are at their peak at 1:30am. Me... that's my first potty break for my post 2 babies bladder.
How do I balance all of this??

So I've decided to have a few blogs that show my double life. During the day I'm waking up at 6:30am, working out by 7:30am, and I have 2 kids fed and I'm on the swingset or at the pool by 8:30am.
We have 8 weddings this summer. One of the weddings I'm in is one of besties, Brittany Whalen. I organized her 30 girl bachelorette party last weekend in Bloomington. What a fun weekend!! However, it's so hard to keep up... our day of jello shots, beer bongs, party boating, and lingerie party began at 10:30am and lasted till 2:30am. I was home and taking care of the boys by 10:30am, and that included an hour and a half drive.

So yes, I'm beat. But wedding season has just begun. I am supposed to be in St. Louis on June 11 for my pledge sister's wedding, but we have a very good family friend getting married here on June 12, which also happens to be my 26th birthday. So we've decided to stay here.

I had to get in pre-baby body form by May 14 for another wedding I was in, so fortunately I felt fairly comfortable in my bathing suit. I think the girls understand a little extra skin was going to be sittin' on this Mama.

So like I said, throughout the week the whole family has been working hard to keep the house clean and the laundry done. I think dusting the fans and windexing the windows will have to wait till the fall.

The few Sundays we do get together have been spent in the pool AFTER our work is done. We love love love the pool!!!!
I already have 3 pledgesisters engaged with a wedding date for next summer.
Tis the Season!